Lory Del Santo
Nach ihrem Debüt bei der Festivalbar 1975 einem von 1967 bis 2007 jährlich veranstalteten Sommermusikfest etablierte sich Lory Del Santo als Schauspielerin für italienische B-MoviesSie spielte unter anderem in Die heilige Bestie der Kumas Ein total versautes Wochenende und Ein Zwinger voll Verrückter mit. Lory Del Santo was born on September 28 1958 in Povegliano Veronese Veneto Italy. Lory Del Santo Says Son Killed Self Lifestyle Ansa It Sua madre ha partorito in una stalla e alletà di soli 3 anni Lory è rimasta orfana di padre. . Lory Del Santo Director. Lory Del Santos age is 63. It has been nine years since Lory and rock legend Eric Claptons four year-old son Conor fell 53 floors to his death through the open. Lory del Santo has not had an easy life. How long did Lory date Eric. Da giovanissima ha debuttato nel mondo dello spettacolo. She is an actress and director known for The Lady 2. Lory Del Santo